Remington rifle bullets
Remington rifle bullets

remington rifle bullets

I first got a Remington 742 in 6mm Remington in the early 1970's and killed many a deer with it.The 6mm Remington Chan breed rifles used a faster twist that would 276 inch neck and a 1:9 twist with a large rifle primer. For factory ammo, try several brands and see which one your rifle groups the best with. Remington Core-Lokt Centerfire Rifle Ammunition has earned an excellent reputation among deer hunters. If it’s a production 6mm it’s likely twisted more for 70-90 gr bullets unfortunately. The only physical difference between the. In Deer & Deer Hunting's 2005 New Equipment issue, tehre's an article about "popguns" for big deer.243, but factory ammo is not that easy to find, and will cost about twice as much as factory. I think hunting with older or uncommon calibers is a cool It was unable to compete with the 243 Winchester, which had a slower twist and was able to stabilize both varmint and big game bullets. I still have the receipt and the rifle and scope are still wedded. Let’s look at those assumptions a bit closer in the following table. To find out more about how things went down, read on! Disclaimer Ultimate Reloader LLC / Making with Metal Disclaimer: (by reading this article and/or Our favorites for 6mm Remington ammo are as follows: Varmints – Hornady 58gr & 75gr V-Max, Nosler 70gr Ballistic Tip, Sierra 70gr BlitzKing. Remington originally introduced the 6mm as the.244 and in 1963 reintroduced it as the 6mm Rem in the model 700, using a 1:9" twist. I think hunting with older or uncommon calibers is a cool Remington. If it's marked as 6mm Remington, it should be the later 1-10" twist (same as the.* Justin Lowe – I never went hunting with anything but my. Nifty cartridge that killed deer and coyotes with equal enthusiasm. I just picked up a 6mm Remington with a 10 twist- 22" shillen barrel.I have never lost a deer because of bullet performance and always shoot for the lung area right behind the shoulder. They used a 1:12" twist which wouldn't stabilize the100-grain spitzers hunters wanted for deer hunting.The 6mm Remington Chan breed rifles used a faster twist that would Look no further for 6mm Remington ammo! We have all the best brands for your rifle at the best prices, ready to ship right to your door nationwide! Let me know if this column helps you to decide what deer rifle is best for you or gives you new ideas on a deer-hunting rifle.I have taken many deer with 6mm cartridges, mainly my 6mm Remington Ackley Improved. 1 Image (s) Remington Rifle Magazine Model 700 (6MM REM, 243 WIN, 7MM-08 REM, 308 WIN) If You Pay With Credit Card The Credit Card Company Will Charge You 4% For Using It Just To Let Everyone Know Thanks. 244 Remington chambered rifles was optimized for lighter weight (70-90 gr) Varmint bullets, and it would not adequately stabilize the 100 gr spire points designed for and preferred by most hunters for medium size game like deer and antelope. Is a 6mm a good deer rifle? Fast, efficient and powerful, the various 6mm cartridges have been very popular among deer hunters for more than 50 years.The 6mm Remington was designed in 1955 by Fred Huntington as the. ly/3n79I5wUR T-Shirts: Factory loads in 6mm call for an 80 grain bullet at 3,470 fps, and a 100 grain bullet at 3,100 fps. Both bullets came apart radically, without the partition holding up. Remington has led deer ammunition sales for six decades with this particular bullet design. is the 6mm ARC, which Hornady just introduced. 243 toward deer guys with 100gr bullets and the popularity took off. 257 Roberts, and the parent case is the 7x57 Mauser. Remington has a history of major marketing screw ups: 7mm Express and the 5mm Remington. Before getting started, I want to be clear that I don’t have any direct experience with. Rem dropped the 244 and came back with the 6mm rem cal.Ballistics look good just looking for opinions, favorite loads, thought A wonderful caliber for deer but hardly anyone in my circle of friends even mentioned it. Iron Whittler Originally Remington offered factory ammunition with 75 grain bullets for varmints and 90 grain for deer. A good friend of mine who passed away a few years ago loved this caliber for its accuracy and lack of recoil. It wasn’t a trophy audad but in hindsight it was the wrong gun for that animal.

Remington rifle bullets